The Law Office of Cameron Hawkins is a minority owned personal injury and commercial litigation law firm with decades of combined experience providing competent, ethical and aggressive legal representation.
Though rooted in experience, we actively work to stay on the cutting edge of the law. When asserting a claim for compensation or benefits to which you may be entitled, it’s key to select the right team of attorneys with the expertise and knowledge to consider all theories of potential recovery.
We know the law and can make it plain for our clients. We have recouped millions of dollars in damages over the years, working tirelessly to secure fair restitution, and we will do the same for you.
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Case Manager
Law Office of Cameron Hawkins | All Rights Reserved
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Disclaimer pursuant to Georgia Rule of Professional Conduct 7.1(a)(6): The statement "no attorneys' fees unless we are able to secure a verdict or settlement on your behalf" refers only to those fees charged by the attorney. Court costs and other additional expenses of legal actions usually must be paid by the client. Contingent fees are not permitted in all types of cases.